Flight Offers
Flight Offers
The services grouped together in this API plan return the lowest available flight offers for a route, cabin and departure date.
To decide if this plan is for you Register or Sign in to try out a live service using I/O doc.
Alternatively read the documentation by selecting one of the services listed below.
Flight Offers APIs ![]() |
BA Destinations | Returns a list of all BA destinations displayed by airport |
Flight Offer Basic | Returns the lowest price on the specified route across either a month or 12 month period |
Flight Offer Market Affiliates | If seats are available for all the passengers requested, this returns pricing details for one adult for the requested route, cabin and departure date |
We are currently unable to guarantee the accuracy of the Flights Offers API for external use of price and availability due to an internal process change. Requests for this API will therefore not be approved at present.
Docs Navigation
- Docs
- Avios Documentation
- Getting started with our API
- Aggregator / Service Providor
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- Seller using Aggregator / Service Provider
- AirShopping
- FlightPrice/OfferPrice
- BaggageList / ServiceList
- SeatAvailability
- OrderCreate
- AirDocIssue
- OrderRetrieve
- OrderChange
- ItinReshop
- OrderCancel
- OrderList
- OrderView RS
- Countries, Currencies and FOPs Supported
- Passenger Types, Special Service Request and Special Discounts
- API Plans Landing Page