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Flight Offer Basic

The Flight Offer Basic API returns information about the lowest price on the specified route across either a month or over a 12 month period. The latest version number of the Flight Offer Basic resource is v1.

Version Information

The most recent version of the Flight Offer Basic API is version 1. Previous versions are shown below.

Version Status End-of-life date
v1.0 Current N/A

API Endpoints

Flight Offer Basic has a REST API endpoint. Click here for more information on using British Airways Rest APIs.

The endpoints available are:

Endpoint URL
Test N/A

API Methods

Method URL Resource Description
GET flightOfferBasic;departureCity={departureCity};arrivalCity={arrivalCity};cabin={cabin};journeyType={journeyType};range={range} Returns the lowest monthly / yearly price for the specified itinerary

HTTP Headers

Header Name Description Mandatory? In/Outbound Example
client-key Your unique key used to authorise access to the API. Yes Inbound n/a

Search Parameters

The various search parameters are described below:

Name Description Format Default Example Allowed values
departureCity A city code IATA 3 character city code N/A LON We currently only support LON
arrivalCity A city code IATA 3 character city code N/A NYC
cabin A cabin description String N/A economy economy, premiumEconomy, business, first
journeyType A description of the journey type String N/A roundTrip oneWay or roundTrip
range Specifies either the lowest price over the year or month is required String N/A yearLow yearLow or monthLow

Search parameters may be submitted in any order and are case insensitive.

Supported Status Codes

You can view the standard status codes returned by our APIs here.